Our deepest calling is to grow into 
our own authentic self-hood, whether or 
not it conforms to some image of who we ought to be. As we do so, we will not only 
find the joy that every being seeks - we will also find our path of authentic 
service in the world. 
- Parker Palmer


This program has been an enriching, challenging, and very humbling process. These experiences have opened my eyes to how much more there is in life to learn, that changes are inevitable, and how many people walk with me in this journey.

Advisors Adrian Popa and Lunell Haught
Professors Kristine Hoover, Mike Poutiatine, Suzanne Ostersmith, Michael Carey, Larry Spears and Jack Horsman
Colleagues Katie Herzog, Student Involvement and Leadership Staff, and the entire Gonzaga Community
My family, Liz, John, Mom and Dad
My friends, classmates and students near and far

 It has truly been a group effort. You uplift me and from the bottom of my heart, thank you. 

Be grateful for whoever comes your way, 
because each has been sent 
as a guide from beyond. 

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