Our deepest calling is to grow into 
our own authentic self-hood, whether or 
not it conforms to some image of who we ought to be. As we do so, we will not only 
find the joy that every being seeks - we will also find our path of authentic 
service in the world. 
- Parker Palmer

Leadership Courses

The following are descriptions and competency areas of the courses taken in the program:

ORGL 500 – Organizational Leadership

This course served as an introduction to leadership and set the stage for the program. Competencies included strategies for learning through dialogue with others, describing dysfunctional leadership and organizational thinking and behavior, understanding problems and creating solutions using multiple frameworks and integrative vision, reflecting on her organizational experience and developing a personal leadership plan for the future, and thinking creative about the future of organizational leadership.

ORGL 501 – Methods of Organizational Research

This course focused on introducing students to different research methods that can be used in an organizational setting. Competency areas include knowledge of quantitative and qualitative research designs, accessing research literature, formulating a clear research question and applying the knowledge obtained from journals to formulate a design, ability to recognize personal bias, and recognize that our view of what knowledge is impacts our choice of methodology and research inquiry

ORGL 502 – Leadership and Imagination

This course emphasized the role of imagination in forming cultural images and perceptions of leaders and their functions. Competencies include explaining the dynamics involved in the creative process, how these creative processes are in the context of art, film, drama, architecture, music, history, and analyze the dynamics of the creative process present in organizational leadership.

ORGL 503 – Organizational Ethics

This course focused on personal, organizational, and social values present in ethical dilemmas. This course develops skills in ethical communication and decision-making; recognizing how to act for the common good as leaders who can acknowledge multiple ethical perspectives. Key competencies include articulating personal, organization and multiple work views, analyzing ethical dilemmas, and demonstrating decision making informed by social justice concepts.

ORGL 504 – Organizational Communication

This course analyses the communication function and structure of an organization. Key competencies include the ability to discuss major issues regarding communication in an organizational setting, demonstrate understanding of communication theory, enhance personal communication competency and apply critical thinking to ethical considerations surrounding communication.

ORGL 505 – Organizational Theory

The course is an introduction to the study of leadership and major organizational theory. Competencies include understanding Bolman and Deal’s four frames and the use of metaphor, how to apply the four frames to interpret organizational behavior, design an intervention for an organization, and identify area of change that could improve the student’s organization.

ORGL 506 – Leadership and Diversity

This course explores the ways in which racial, ethnic, gender and class identities are socially constructed in the United States and implications of this for the global community. Course competencies include evaluating the impact of race and ethnicity on an individual’s life, critiques the impact of socioeconomic status on identity development and life changes, exhibit respectful behaviors, and use these lessons in improving their personal leadership and communication competencies.

ORGL 522 – Leadership and Community Empowerment Collaboration and Dialogue

This immersion course to a Benedictine monastery in California explores how creating structure and processes can sustain and transform community. Course goals include a self-exploration of purpose and meaning as a leader and in a community. Course competencies include a demonstration of servant-leader dispositions in the context of community and personal experience.

ORGL 530 – Servant Leadership

This course served as an introduction to servant-leadership in organizations, focusing on insights into how relationships are key to the effectiveness of individuals and organization. Competencies include assuming the personal role of servant-leader in training, clear articulation of the philosophy of servant-leadership, analyzation of an organizational system using servant-leadership criteria, articulate a personal servant-leadership philosophy, and plan a leadership development training.

ORGL 537 – Foresight and Strategy

This course is designed to be a further study into servant-leadership dispositions, focusing on developing a leadership capacity of foresight. Course competencies include nurturing and enhancing foresight knowledge and capacity, applying foresight strategically in micro, meso, macro and mundo, system frameworks, and to further integrate the servant-leader philosophy and dispositions.

ORGL 689 – Leadership & Hardiness

This course focuses on existential psychology and psychological hardiness in the context of organizational leadership through climbing Mt. Adams. Course competences include utilizing resiliency principles to describe coping with stress and adversity, ability to reframe stressful contexts using principles of resilience, analyze resilient organizations, challenge assumptions of resiliency, and identify areas of personal growth.


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